07-14-2015 Meeting Minutes

Board Attendance: Marcia Bedrock, Roger Chaffins, Skyler Ellinger, Debbie Mix Absent: Rosemary Rose. Call to Order at 6:05pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance The minutes from the June meeting were not available. Starke County Forest – President Ellinger requested that Mr. Bruce Wakeland of the Forest, and Mr. Dennis Estok, the County […]

06-16-2015 Meeting Minutes

Starke County Park Board Minutes – 061615 Board Attendance: Marcia Bedrock, Roger Chaffins, Skyler Ellinger, Debbie Mix, Rosemary Rose. Call to Order at 6:05pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance The minutes from the May meeting were read by Ms. Mix. A correction needs to be made on the last line and change […]

05-19-2015 Meeting Minutes

Board Attendance: Roger Chaffins, Skyler Ellinger, Debbie Mix, Rosemary Rose. Absent: Marcia Bedrock Call to Order at 6:00pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance The minutes from the March meeting had been sent out and the reading was waived. Mr. Chaffins made a motion to accept the minutes as is and the motion […]

03-17-2015 Meeting Minutes

Board Attendance: Marcia Bedrock, Roger Chaffins, Skyler Ellinger, Debbie Mix, Rosemary Rose, Call to Order at 6:00pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance Ms. Mix read the minutes from the previous meeting. Correction of the spelling of Mr. Ellinger’s name must be made. Mr. Chaffins made a motion to accept the minutes with […]

01-20-2015 Meeting Minutes

Starke County Park Board Minutes – 01/20/15 Board Attendance: Marcia Bedrock, Debbie Mix, Rosemary Rose, Skylar Ellinger. Roger Chaffins Call to Order at 6:00pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance A motion to waive the reading of the Minutes was made by Skylar and 2nd by Rose. A vote was taken and the motion […]

12-16-2014 Meeting Minutes

Board Attendance: Marcia Bedrock, Debbie Mix, Rosemary Rose, Skylar Ellinger. Absent: Mike Meadows Call to Order at 6:00pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance Minutes were not read. Ms. Bedrock announced that Mike Meadows has resigned due to health reasons and Judge Kim Hall will notify her when a new board member is […]

11-18-2014 Meeting Minutes

Board Attendance: Marcia Bedrock, Debbie Mix, Rosemary Rose, Skylar Ellinger. Absent: Mike Meadows Call to Order at 6:02pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance Ms. Mix read the minutes from the previous meeting. Mr. Ellinger made a motion to accept the minutes as read and the motion was seconded by Rosie Rose. A […]

10-30-2014 Meeting Minutes

Board Attendance: Marcia Bedrock, Debbie Mix, Rosemary Rose, Skylar Ellinger. Absent: Mike Medows Call to Order at 6:10pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance Ms. Bedrock opened the meeting with a call to determine the officers. After some discussion, D. Mix motioned that a slate of Marcia Bedrock, President Skylar Ellinger, Vice President […]