07-19-2016 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was Called to Order by President, Roger Chaffins at 6:00 pm. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call-    Roger Chaffins, Butch Gerstandt, Deb Mix, Rosie Rose, and Chris Lawrence The County Attorney, Mr. Martin Lucas was also in attendance. Minutes – Ms.Rose made a motion to accept the June minutes as written with Mr. Lawrence […]

06-21-2016 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was Called to Order by V. President, Deb Mix at 6:00 pm. Mr. Chaffins is absent for medical reasons. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call – Butch Gerstandt, Deb Mix, Rosie Rose, and Chris Lawrence The County Attorney, Mr. Martin Lucas was also in attendance. Absent: Roger Chaffins Minutes – Ms. Rose made a […]

05-17-2016 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was Called to Order by Mr. Chaffins. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call- Roger Chaffins, Butch Gerstandt, Deb Mix, Rosie Rose, and Chris Lawrence The County Attorney, Mr. Martin Lucas was also in attendance. Minutes -Ms. Rose made a motion to accept the December minutes as written with Ms. Mix seconding it. The motion […]

04-19-2016 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was Called to Order by Mr. Chaffins.             Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call- Roger Chaffins, Butch Gerstandt, Deb Mix, Rosie Rose Absent: Chris Lawrence Mr. Gerstandt was introduced as the new appointment from the Commissioners. All welcomed Mr. Gerstandt. Minutes -Ms. Rose made a motion to accept the March minutes as written with Ms. […]

03-15-2016 Meeting Minutes

Roll Call- D Mix, R Chaffins, R Rose, Chris Lawrence Mr. Lawrence was introduced as the new appointment from Judge Kim Hall, since Skyler Ellinger notified him that he will be moving out of the County. All welcomed Mr. Lawrence. Ms. Mix stated she didn’t want to remain secretary. No one else agreed to take […]

12-15-2015 Meeting Minutes

Pledge   Roll  Call-­‐  R  Chaffins,  R  Rose,  S  Ellinger      Absent-­‐  D  Mix Minutes    -­‐No  minutes  from  Nov.  meeting  were  available. Forest  Update  -­‐Nothing  to  report. Beach  and  Campground  –      Definitions  for  Maintenance  and  Capital  Improvements  were  presented  by  Skyler  Ellinger  after   researching  and  speaking  with  others.    These […]

11-17-2015 Meeting Minutes

Pledge Roll Call- D Mix, R Chaffins, R Rose, S Ellinger Minutes -Roger made a motion to accept the minutes as written with Rosie 2nd ‘ing it. The motion carried. Forest Update – Mr. Wakeland – noted several things he’s been contemplating and would like to see occur: Board would like some time to look into signage. Also […]

10-20-2015 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order at 6:00pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call – Roger Chaffins, Skyler Ellinger, Debbie Mix. Absent: Rosemary Rose. Minutes: Roger motioned that the minutes be accepted as written and Skyler 2nd‘the motion. A vote was taken and the motion carried. Guest: Mr. Jerry Broadstreet a Director of the Bass Lake […]

09-15-2015 Meeting Minutes

Starke County Park Board Minutes – 09/15/15 Board Attendance: Roger Chaffins, Skyler Ellinger, Debbie Mix, Rosemary Rose. Call to Order at 6:05pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call -All current board members are present. Roger motioned that the minutes from the August meeting be accepted as corrected. Rose seconded the motion. […]

08-18-2015 Meeting Minutes

Starke County Park Board Minutes – 08/18/15 Call to Order at 6:05pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance Board members accepted the resignation of Marcia Bedrock. Roger motioned that the minutes from the July meeting be accepted as corrected. Rose seconded the motion. Vote and Motion carried. Starke County Forest- Drainage to the […]