Present: Richard Ballard, Rik Ritzler, Kathy Norem, Karl Swihart
- The meeting began at 6:01 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
- Mr. Ballard announced that board member, Chris Lawrence, had resigned from the Park Board.
- Kathy Norem made a motion to keep Mr. Ballard as the president and Rik Ritzler as the vice-president. Rik Ritzler seconded. All ayes. Kathy also mentioned that the Park Board needed to appoint one of the members to be a part of the Veteran’s Committee. Kathy nominated Karl Swihart. Karl accepted the nomination.
- Justin Schramm, the board’s new attorney, introduced himself. The Board appointed Justin Schramm as the Park Board attorney.
- Karl Swihart made a motion to accept the minutes from the December 14, 2021 meeting. Rik Ritzler seconded. All ayes.
- Rik Ritzler made a motion to accept the financial reports. Richard Ballard seconded. All ayes.
- The board discussed the Park Superintendent position. Kathy Norem suggested the City of Knox and the Park Board possibly doing joint management. Karl Swihart is the superintendent for the City of Knox. Mr. Ballard asked Karl if he would have any interest in combining the two positions. Karl stated that he would prefer the board hire a superintendent due to the demands of both positions. Karl did offer to temporarily assist with the county’s park superintendent duties. Kathy advised that the board would need to advertise for the Park Superintendent position and in the meantime have discussions with the City of Knox about temporarily having Karl assist the Park Board. Kathy made that motion. Rik seconded. All ayes, Karl abstained from the vote.
- Bruce Wakeland gave an update on the Starke County Forest. He gave a report on the 2022 income. He also gave a report on the timber value at the forest. He talked about the growth of the trees and stated that the trees are growing well.
- Rik made a motion to accept the claims. Kathy seconded. All ayes.
- Kathy Norem asked how the five year is planning going. Rik had not heard so he said he would call the next day for an update.
- Rik mentioned that a member of the Marshall County Park Board contacted him about working with the park board about maybe having a bi-county kayak system. He said they would talk about it at their next park board meeting.
- Mr. Ballard made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kathy seconded. All ayes.