03-08-2022 Meeting Minutes
MinutesPresent: Kathy Norem, Rik Ritzler, Karl SwihartMeeting was called to order by R.Ritzler at 6:00.Approval of minutes from February 8, 2022. K.Norem made motion, K.Swihart seconded. Passed 3-0.Approval of financial reports as presented. K.Swihart made motion, K.Norem seconded. Passed 3-0.Rachel Oesterreich, auditor, presented comments to the public and board regarding appropriate times for public comments, […]
03-02-2022 Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 The Starke County Board Parks & Recreation met in an Executive Session, at 11:00 a.m., in the Meeting Room at the Starke County Annex Building with Richard Ballard, Stephen Ritzler, Tom Busch, Karl Swihart and Secretary Sara Dingman present, and the following proceedings were held to wit: The meeting was held […]
02-08-2022 Meeting Minutes
Present: Richard Ballard, Kathy Norem, Rik Ritzler, Karl Swihart Meeting was called to order by R.Ballard at 6:00. Approval of minutes from January 13, 2022. R.Ritzler made motion, K.Swihart seconded. Passed4-0 Approval of financial reports as presented. R.Ritzler made motion, K.Norem seconded. Passed4-0 Park Superintendent job posting is posted. No applicants at this time. Update […]
01-13-2022 Meeting Minutes
Present: Richard Ballard, Rik Ritzler, Kathy Norem, Karl Swihart