10-8-2024 Meeting Minutes

Starke County Park Board

October 8, 2024

Meeting Minutes

Present: R. Ballard, T. Busch, S. Byer & D. Sinn

President Ballard called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM

Christa Hurley-King from the Troyer Group reported the Bass Lake Beach & Campground restoration project bids are ready to go out for bid beginning Oct. 9th. Pre-bid is scheduled for 10/24, 9:00 am at the beach house. Bid will be due 11/12/24 at 4:00 PM at the auditor’s office or prior to 6:00 PM in Annex 1 meeting room. Approval of contracts will be given at the November 12th monthly meeting. If no November meeting is scheduled a special meeting can be called to award the bids. Construction will begin on 1/8/2025 with substantial completion on 10/8/2025. T. Busch made the motion to authorize the acceptance of bids. S. Byer seconded the motion and it passed 4-0.

Councilman D. Pearman explained that the counsel committed $500,000 from the Sysco endowment funds and the commissioners $75,000 from CEDIT towards the restoration project as the match. The department has been drawing from this fund to pay the costs to Troyer. A. Flora reported that since receiving the Federal DNR approval she was able to submit the claims back to the DNR which we will receive half back into the fund.

Tom Camrie from Kramer’s Beach requested permission to pour two concert pads at the beach for under the bench and BBQ pit. This will be paid from the KLA funds, not requiring and financial assistance from the Park Dept. D. Sinn made a motion to approve with S. Byer seconding. The motion passed unanimously.

The board approved an increase to pier slips at the September meeting. A. Giuliani requested an increase from $200.00 to $250.00 for PWC’s parked in the water for the 2025 season. S. Byer motioned to approve with D. Sinn seconding. It passed 3-1 with T. Busch casting a no vote.

Superintendent report:

  • Flora shared the insights and suggestions given at the Meet N Greet giving her good ideas to work on over the winter.
  • She met with the kayak launch committee reporting the English Lake launch will begin construction in the next couple weeks with completion a week after starting. Additionally, the Rt. 23 and Wythogan park launches will be ready for the 2025 season.
  • Concerning the lawsuit between Kramer’s beach and the Haug’s, A. Flora has met with the attorney representing the department and expect the suit to go before the judge after Oct. 15th.
  • She had a meeting with Tom Shouten, surveyor and Edwin Buswell from K-IRPC regarding the storm water drainage plan for Bass Lake to discuss a possible grant to pay for the project. However, Mr. Buswell was not confident the project would match the needs of the grant. A. Flora will continue to work towards resolving the issue.
  • A wellness grant was applied for through the Community Foundation in hopes of getting new swim ropes and buoys for the beach next season.
  • The Parks Department will be participating in the Trunk or Treat event on 10/26/2024. Additionally, that is the same date scheduled for a control burn at the campground, conditions permitting.
  • Updates have been submitted to the IT department for the Park’s website to include updated information and photos.
  • The Veteran’s War Memorial has received requests and payment for 9 additional bricks many coming from the Risner family this month.

S. Byer motioned to approve the minutes from the September meeting. D. Sinn made the second and it passed unanimously.

In the financial report, A. Flora explained the budget reflects negatives of $525.00 office supplies and $16,000.00 in repair and maintenance and still need to pay $4,460.00 for pier removal. At this time the department has generated $306,000 in revenue, were appropriated $220,000.00, spent $186.000 leaving a balance of $142,000.00. It was reported that about $78,000.00 has gone into the general fund.  S. Byer made the motion to accept the financial report, T. Busch seconded and it passed 4-0.

Discussion was held on creating a policy to enforce the current language for non-renewal of seasonal camping lease. As an example, Hauser Towing gave us guidelines how they operate. The towing company would remove the units at camper’s expense, take to their storage lot, contacting the owner and giving them 3 days to respond. They charge $50.00 per day. After 3 weeks, the items would be sold at auction. A. Flora is still waiting to hear from our attorney as to a policy moving forward. T. Busch made the motion to table this decision until the November meeting, seconded by S. Byer and unanimously passed.  

G. Laiter and A. Giuliani presented bids for the purchase of eleven sections of aluminum piers for the south pier walk out. Bids were received from Larry’s Marina and Steve Berndt with both committing to purchase them at the fall discounted rate and store until we purchase them in the spring. Larry’s Marina bid was for $10,891.65 and S. Berndt’s at $10,290.00. S. Byer made the motion to approve the bid from Larry’s Marina because it guaranteed the material would be identical to the current aluminum piers at the middle and north piers. D. Sinn made the second and it passed 4-0.

The paying of routine bills was approved with S. Byer making the motion, seconded by T. Busch and passed unanimously.

The suggested Pier Lease for 2025 was tabled until the board has more time to review the changes recommended and will be discussed at the November meeting. A. Giuliani explained the intent to combine the PWC and pier lease and that the attorney has seen and approved the changes. She will offer more information to the board prior to the next meeting.

T. Bowser commented on the condition of the beach at Bass Lake asking that the board look into removing all the weeds and getting new sand. This will be addressed before the 2025 season begins.

S. Byer made the motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by D. Sinn and passed 4-0.