9-12-2023 Meeting Minutes

Starke County Park Board Meeting

September 12, 2023


Present: R. Ballard, T. Busch, K. Swihart & R. Ritzler

R. Ballard called the meeting to order at 6:08 PM

The motion was made by R. Ritzler, seconded by T. Busch and it passed unanimously to accept the minutes from the August 8, 2023 meeting

Jacque Ryan from the NICF gave an informative overview of the status of the Starke County Veteran’s Memorial Maintenance fund reporting the current fund balance is $27,179.00 with current spendable balance of $610.0. Additionally, she offered information on available grants that could be available to the Parks department for future projects.

Kathy Norem announced that the CVC board passed, unanimously, to provide the additional $5,000 needed to begin the English Lake kayak launch project. She requested the board hire Bob Aloi with Territorial Engineering for the work begin and offered to work with Mr. Aloi to oversee the project. R. Ballard made motion and it passed 4-0 to accept the contracted presented. Steve and Kathleen Lucas of the Prairie Trails Club   shared their enthusiasm saying that they have received a grant from the DNR for one mile of bike trail through North Judson. The trails in the project will meet at the English Lake easement going across 4 streams near the boat and kayak launch fitting all the pieces together.

Discussion was held regarding suggested changes to the 2024 Pier Lease Agreement that included verbiage that would hold slip holders accountable for not properly securing their watercrafts that could include financial reimbursement and/or having their lease terminated for habitual offenders. The topic of requiring shore stations by 2025 was not received favorably. All ideas will be forwarded to Atty. Schramm for his review.

T. Williams gave a budget report stating monies have to be rearranged to get through the rest of the year. She will take that to the commissioners for their approval.

S. Berndt will begin taking piers out 9/23 with plans to put this project out to bid for next season.

The decision on the awaited Federal Grant through the Troyer group should be known by the end of October.

R. Ritzler made motion to approve paying of claims and it passed unanimously. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM