Starke Co. Park Board
December 13, 2022 Meeting
Present: R. Ritzler, K. Swihart, T. Busch, S. Byer
Meeting called to order by R. Ritzler at 6:05 PM
T. Busch made motion, seconded by K. Swihart to approve the minutes from the November meeting. Passed 4-0.
T. Williams reported that the IDEM determined the complaint on Kramer Beach was a non-issue and considered resolved.
R. Burger asked who will be responsible for putting down new sand in the spring. R. Ritzler said the commissioners will have to give permission and then the department will have the county deliver it.
It was reported that the Haug’s have put a lawsuit into motion stating damage to their property. J. Schram said that they have not submitted it yet and that he will be handling it.
T. Williams has received, in writing, that the IDEM says no permit will be required for the beautification project at the beach.
B. Wakeland gave a presentation regarding the Beaver Project and the importance of getting the agreement completed that will ensure the protection of the marsh and beavers. J. Schram said he has the MOV and will have it ready to present for a vote on the January meeting.
B. Wakeland would like to see various agencies involved in the forest and suggested doing two tours on June 4th., National Environmental Day, offering hikes and different “stations” where the representatives of each agency will offer educational information throughout the tours.
T. Williams reported that the county garage came out to grade the campground roads and determined that it would not be beneficial due to the base surface being asphalt chips. This project will be reevaluated.
T. Williams has completed North Pier 1 & 2 drawings and almost finished with North Pier 3. She has received the $100.00 necessary to submit with the application for permits. She will meet next week with T. Busch and S. Berndt for a final review before submission.
There were three proposals submitted for replacement of the lift station. The first for $36,150.00, a second for $32,500.00. However, these two bids did not itemize what would be included. A third bid from Jack Campagna, who has extensive prior experience in this field, provide a proposal that recommended that department order the parts and material (giving actual and factual costs for same) and then added his labor. This proposal was for $22,500.00. T. Williams said D. Pearman will help present it to the counsel. R. Ritzler asked for a motion to accept J. Campagna’s proposal contingent upon council approval. T. Busch made the motion, seconded by K. Swihart. Passed 4-0.
R. Ritzler reported that the Bass Lake Beach House /Trailhead committee met to discuss Water Conservation Grant application process. The Troyer group provided a proposal for securing the grant. R. Ritzler would like to see that master plan that specifies exactly what will be in it and more specifics on the estimates of their fees and projected time frames. Requested the application be ready for the January meeting.
S. Byer raised concerns over the current pricing for the seasonal campers as well as requesting more information regarding metering the electric. It was determined that that will be a consideration for next season as the board had already approved the fee schedule for the 2023 season.
R. Ritzler would like a gate fee schedule for the beach by January’s meeting. The board had previously approved a new rate of $5.00 for one person, one vehicle and $10.00 for two or more per day.
T. Leinbach agreed that the current electric situation at the campground be reevaluated. T. Williams added that it would take another person to assist in collecting electric fees based of metered sites and suggested that there be a flat monthly rate included for this service. She will determine that averages and be prepared to speak to this at the January meeting.
K. Swihart has requested a priority list of specifically what needs to be completed at both the beach and campground.
Superintendent salary increase will be considered after a performance evaluation, which will be done with R. Ballard and R. Ritzler.
K. Swihart made the motion to accept the financial report. Seconded by S. Byer and passed 4-0.
K. Yover suggested the DNR be contacted regarding the dive board that has been in the water. With the water level low, it may be a good time for them to remove it.
K. Swihart reported that he had met with K. Norem regarding the Veteran’s Memorial. The funds are in a temporary permanent endowment fund with the Community Foundation. Twice each year the department receives a portion of the interest.
Blank papers are in place and anyone interested may have names carved in plaques. K. Swihart is the chairman for this committee and is working on securing representation for the other lodges.
Also reported, the money for the Volunteer Dinner was reimbursed and will need to reschedule another dinner in the near future.
K. Swihart made the motion, seconded by S. Byer that the meeting be adjourned. Passed 4-0.