Present: Richard Ballard, Chris Lawrence, Karl Swihart, Rik Ritzler (Board Members)
Marc Vendl, Parks Superintendent
Martin Lucas, Attorney
1. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Ballard at 6:00 p.m.
A. Approval of minutes 8/10/21, 8/17/21, 8/24/21, & 8/26/21. K.Swihart made motion to pass, R.Ritzler seconded. Passed 4-0
B. Financial reports presented.
C. Starke County Parks & Recreation design & logo. Board & Mr. Vendl think it is a great idea to have a logo that represents all the Starke County parks/recreation. Discussion to have Whimsy & Mirth design a logo. Quote received for $600, $20/hr for anything additional. Grant was proposed to CVC board & granted for $600 to pay for the logo design. R.Ritzler made motion to hire Whimsy & Mirth. C.Lawrence seconded. Passed 4-0
D. Kayak grant from SCCF & permits. $1500 grant was received toward purchase of kayaks, however delivery/shipment has been delayed due to COVID. 3 are currently in at Tractor Supply. Decision to be made to either wait, order different ones, or buy elsewhere. Marc will pick up the 3 from TSC. Marc said there are some in buildings and he will check with marina & some other places on price & availability. He will present info at next meeting. Permits are progressing for the kayak launch.
E. Purchase of aluminum boat piers-45 slips. K.Swihart reported cost of piers $25000 + additional $5000 for install/takeout. No fishing should be allowed on the rented piers. C.Lawrence suggested M.Vendl speak with Mr. Berndt directly and see about working out details.
F. 10-56 Brewery has offered to donate a “little library” for the campground. R.Ritzler made motion, C.Lawrence seconded. Passed 4-0
G. Grant opportunities. Marc will meet with SCEDF about grants. Timelines are in question.
H .K.Norem will meet with Van Janovic (Koontz Lake Lions) regarding Koontz Lake property.
I. Discussion to have a beach attendant work again this weekend due to nice weather. Board and Mr. Vendl believes it is a good idea. K.Swihart made motion, R.Ritzler seconded. Passed 4-0
J. Campsite payments. 7 campers still haven’t paid. Marc will report
next meeting of outstanding campsite payments.
K. Approval of Superintendent’s cell phone purchase and agreement.
R.Ritzler made motion, C.Lawrence seconded. Passed 4-0
L. Winterizing restrooms by end of October.
M. Approval of claims and paying monthly utilities. Total $4912
R.Ritzler made motion, K.Swihart seconded. Passed 4-0
N. Other business.
Public comment that Stanley’s marina is for sale & suggested the Park Board look into possibly purchasing.
Public comment would like Koontz Lake Park removed from website because it is not owned by county. Board requested Mr. Lucas look into the matter. Motion made by R.Ritzler for Mr. Lucas to research & give opinion of Koontz Lake Park if owned by county. Mr. Lucas said will have a public document & legal opinion by next meeting. K.Swihart seconded. Passed 4-0
Steve Lucas, Prairie Trail. Presented photos on the progression. Marc would like to be involved in the trails.
Marc will contact KIRPC regarding 5 year plan.
October 31st is end of season. No seasonal rates right now, only monthly.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. C.Lawrence made motion. K.Swihart seconded. Passed 4-0