Starke County Park Board Minutes – 01/20/15
Board Attendance: Marcia Bedrock, Debbie Mix, Rosemary Rose, Skylar Ellinger. Roger Chaffins
Call to Order at 6:00pm at the County Annex Building Pledge of Allegiance
A motion to waive the reading of the Minutes was made by Skylar and 2nd by Rose. A vote was taken and the motion was carried.
Ms. Bedrock announced that Judge Kim Hall has appointed a new board member, Roger Chaffins, and he is present tonight.
It was suggested to set the meeting schedule to every other month, same day and time (3rd Tues of the month, 6 p.m.) because the Bass Lake Beach and Campground issues
have been resolved and, Mr. Bruce Wakeland manages the Starke County Forest. We need to make a visit to the Forest after next meeting. Rose made a motion to meet every other month starting in March meeting on the same day and time (3rd Tues of the month, 6 p.m.). Skylar seconded the motion; a vote was taken and the motion carried.
Ms. Bedrock was given 9 properties by the Commissioners that may be park areas. We will need to look them up at the county surveyor’s office and determine what to do.
Mr. Wallsmith called Ms. Bedrock and said there are now issues at the Bass Lake Beach and Campgroup until we make a visit sometime in April.
Ms. Bedrock stated that since we have a new board member we should have new elections for Board officers. She noted that she didn’t want to be President and asked Skylar if he would take that position. He agreed. The new slate for officers was presented as: President: Skylar Ellinger
Vice President: Marcia Bedrock Secretary: Debbie Mix
Roger made the motion to accept the slate as presented, seconded by Rose. A vote was taken and the motion was carried.
It was suggested that we should have liaisons for both the Bass Lake Beach and the Starke County Forest. No action was taken.
We need to put a work session on the agenda for next meeting for field trips to the BL Beach and SC Forest.
The audience asked for a copy of the properties and Marcia agreed to supply them.
A motion to adjourn was made by Debbie and seconded by Roger. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted by D. Mix, secretary.