03-26-2024 Special Session Minutes

Starke County Park Board

March 26, 2024

Special Session

Present: R. Ballard, T. Busch, S. Byer

Meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by Richard Ballard

Two bids were presented to the board for pier installation and removal.

Les Jenson – $16,080.00 and Steve Berndt – 10,340.00

S. Byer made a motion to accept the bid from Steve Berndt, seconded by T. Busch and passed 3-0.

It was brought to the attention of the board that there are 4 individuals that put numerous hours in volunteering year-round.  T. Williams asked that we compensate them with a percentage off their boat slip for their work.  After talking to the Justin (County attorney) it was decided that he would write up a contract that would state that the volunteers would not hold the county responsible for any damages or personal injury.  T. Busch made a motion, seconded by S. Byer, and passed on 3-0.

T. Busch made a motion to adjourn at 4:15 pm, seconded by S. Byer, and passed 3-0.