04-09-2024 Meeting Minutes

Starke County Park Board

April 9, 2024 Meeting


Present: R. Ballard, T. Busch & S. Byer

S. Byer motioned to accept minutes from March 12, 2024 meeting. Seconded by T. Busch and passed 3-0.

Christa from the Troyer Group presented an update on the revitalization project. The design committee met in February to review specific items. Will do accessible routing for parking, reorient parking spaces for safe backing, regrade gravel and have handicap spaces moved towards the building. Beach and campground gate houses will get new mechanical upgrades including windows and siding. Beach and campground restrooms will get all new mechanical, electrical, plumbing and surface upgrades. The beach house will be brought back to more of the original structure, removing the 70’s windows and siding. Playground equipment will be made to ensure maximum amount of usage by the children. Total for both playgrounds will be approximately $180,000, $30,000 for fiber excavating and curbing, $70,000 for the beach and $57,000 for the equipment. Once the design stage is complete will move to the construction phase. Hoping to have the approval from the National Historical Preservation committee by June 1st. then be prepared to go out for bids. Construction schedule will be approved by the Park Board then become part of the bidding document. Anticipated start date of mid to late August with completion within one year. Bidders must show how they will block work areas while allowing use of the other areas.

Consideration of putting in a permeant volleyball court at the beach will be revisited once the construction is completed.

T. Williams reported that the department was notified that our portion of the insurance will now be $9,690.00 and does not include property insurance. Our budget is for $5,000.00.

Northern Indiana Community Foundation is offering grants now. If we can get $3,000 from them and match that amount we can begin getting picnic tables. G. Laiter suggested using the county jail woodworking department to build them. T. Williams does not like their work. S. Byer suggested taking them a sample of what is needed and also contact the school’s woodworking department to see if they would be able to assist. R. Ballard asked T. Williams to look into that option.

Due to all of the recent rain, the campground fence has fallen apart and needs replaced. T. Williams priced vinyl and reported it would cost $5,000-6,000 to purchase. Volunteers will do the installation. T. Busch made a motion to approve the purchase, not to exceed $6,000., seconded by S. Byer and passed 3-0.

Tree stump removal was completed at the cost of $1,250.00. S. Berndt was awarded the bid for pier installation and removal. It is to start on or before May 1 and must be completed no later than May 22nd.

The highway department will pave the beach and campground entrances.

New water pump will be installed on Thursday then the water will be turned on sometime next week.

The council wants to see a cash register and camera system established. T. Williams looked into the costs and has determined she will be able to do it at a much lower rate by purchasing “Ring” type cameras and a cash register.

S. Byer made motion to accept financial report, seconded by T. Busch and passed 3-0.

R. Ballard stated that K. Swihart may be returning to the board as well as returning to the Veteran’s Memorial committee. He will check the status of R. Ritzler’s position on the board.

T. Busch made motion to adjourn, seconded by S. Byer passed 3-0. Meeting ended at 7:51 PM