08-17-2021 Meeting Minutes

Present:  Richard Ballard, Kathy Norem, Rik Ritzler, Chris Lawrence, Karl Swihart (via zoom), Attorney Martin Lucas

Meeting was called to order by Mr. Ballard at 6:17 p.m.


Presentations were made by DLZ (Jodi & Jonathan) and Troyer Group (Mike via zoom) for the Parks & Recreation 5 year plan.

Troyer Group presented their proposal & fees. Discussed previous work with the county. Experience in park/recreation 5 year plans, grants, hold public meetings for input/discussion, and would focus on achievable goals. Prioritize projects and willing to work with the Superintendent. 

DLZ presented their proposal & fees.  Discussed gathering data to determine what the needs are for the parks, thorough analysis of county opportunities, will hold a public draft presentation, importance of working with Superintendent, and meeting DNR requirements.  Knowledge of grants. Presented a matrix on activities available in the area. Discussed deadlines.

Discussion of costs within budget and how the board can afford these proposals with their tight budget starting out this year. Rik suggested using KIRPC for the 5 year plan. They can provide what is needed for the cost.  Some of the things have been completed recently.  Revenue is an issue with all the things that need to be done at the parks.  Always a possibility if things progress, then plan can be updated.

R.Ballard made motion to use KIRPC.  K.Norem seconded. Passed 5-0.

Rik will notify all 3 companies involved.

K.Norem discussed interview meetings for Parks & Recreation Superintendent. Decision made to conduct interviews in an executive session on Tuesday, August 24, 2021 beginning at 6:00 p.m.  A public session to be conducted Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss and offer the position. 

Meeting adjourned by R.Ballard, seconded by K.Norem.