June 29, 2021
Pursuant to adjournment comes now the Starke County Commissioners and meet in a joint session with the Starke County Park Board at 6:10PM in the Annex Building Meeting Room, Knox, Indiana, with Stephen Ritzler, Kathryn Norem, Richard Ballard, Christopher Lawrence, Karl Swihart, Charles Chesak, Mark Gourley, and Bryan Cavender present, and the following proceedings were held to wit:
The executive meeting was called to order by Commissioner President, Charles Chesak at 6:10PM.
Commissioner Gourley made a motion to create two part time positions for the Bass Lake Beach as money attendants. Commissioner Cavender seconded that motion and the motion was approved with all ayes.
Park Board President, Richard Ballard explained to the individuals in the public audience that there are some issues regarding the money collected for the camp sites and this is why they are meeting tonight to discuss and deal with this issue. An individual in the audience questioned the camp site in the very back that should not be here. Stephen Ritzler explained that he is creating a report based on the meetings he has had with Larry that will discuss the inventory and that issue will also be discussed in that report. This will be done at their next regular Park Board meeting. Christopher Lawrence made a motion to have Larry Clarich turn in all remaining funds, the outstanding balance of what is remaining due, to the Starke County Auditor by Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 4:00 PM. Stephen Ritzler seconded the motion and the motion was approved with all ayes. Stephen Ritzler made a motion from this point forward all collections for lot rental, pier rentals, beach entrance fees, and etc. shall be sent to and paid in the Starke County Auditor’s Office and Larry Clarich will no longer collect any money. Kathryn Norem seconded the motion and the motion was approved with all ayes. Christopher Lawrence asked if there could be a form created and given to the campers so that they can include their information for which lot they are paying on. Kathryn Norem advised that they should have an approved form on file that was provided by our insurance company, this form was approved a couple meetings ago. A discussion was held regarding an abandoned vehicle at the campground site. Commissioner Cavender will be contacting the Sheriff’s Department to discuss the removal of this vehicle. A discussion was held regarding the entrance fees to Bass Lake Beach and how the current campers would be identified when going into the beach area.