Starke County Park Board
September 11, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
Deb Mix made a motion to adopt the minutes from the previous meeting, Roger Chaffins seconded and the motion carried.
Ribbon cutting October 3 at 4 p.m. at the Starke County Forest – Need to invite Starke County Community Foundation and commissioners.
Picnic tables have been distributed to Koontz Lake.
Concrete – looking for a contractor. Also loose wires. Fence was hit at the north end of the beach. Chris Lawrance stated concrete shouldn’t be dependent on what the cost.
Deb made a motion to send a 30-day repair letter to Callahan and include a plan to repair with a date for completion. Butch seconded, and the motion carried. Deb will work with county attorney Marty Lucas to word the letter. Meanwhile caution tape or perhaps blockade barriers can be used. Roger will contact regarding barriers.
Chris made a motion to approve invoices – Beach sand through grant $3249.57 and flowers at florist $966.00. Butch seconded, and the motion carried.
Suggest city engineer for proper way to repair plan.
There being no further business, Deb made a motion to adjourn at 6:40 p.m., Butch seconded and the motion carried.