Starke County Park Board
March 13, 2018
Starke County Community Foundation – Jay Albright and Sarah Origer
$15,000 to the Starke County Forest from the Hardesty Fund
$5,000 to Bass Lake Beach from a community grant
Sarah Origer presented the checks
Forest Update – Money received. No plan for construction yet due to the highway department being busy with weather concerns.
Bass Lake Beach and Campground – Tabitha Dillner presented. She’s working on a proposal – very negotiable due to the needs of Callahan. A second proposal has also been received. Rick Anderson asked about condemning the building. Roger will talk to Terry Stephenson to okay repair/rebuild for the insurance amount of $2,538.71. Rosie made a motion to accept the insurance money contingent on Terry Stephenson’s approval, Deb seconded and the motion carried.
Lease of the trail – Corey Bennett of HVRM advised the group is getting new attorneys and insurance should not be a problem.
Arrowhead grant denied. Waiting to hear from REMC.