Board Attendance: Marcia Bedrock, Debbie Mix, Rosemary Rose, Skylar Ellinger. Absent: Mike Meadows Call to Order at 6:02pm at the County Annex Building
Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Mix read the minutes from the previous meeting. Mr. Ellinger made a motion to accept the minutes as read and the motion was seconded by Rosie Rose. A vote was taken and the motioned was carried.
Ms. Bedrock read the inspection results out loud, and as she did so, Mr. Wallsmith addressed each item. At the end, he asked the Park Board if they were able to apply for capital improvement funds. He was notified that the park board needs to have some things in place before we could do that, including a 5-yr. plan and someone that , was certified according to the LWCF. Mr. Wallsmith was asked to bring in a plan for upcoming projects and he agreed to do so.
ADA compliance is a concern arid we’d like to look at what can be done to start that process.
It was confirmed that there is no mail delivered to the campground itself as there is no receptacle and mail has been returned stating such.
The question of how the LWCF works was asked by the audience and also asked if it was still relevant since it was money that was given to the State from LWCF. It’s stated in the contract between the State and the County as well as between the County and Mr. Callahan.
A letter from DNR Office Bob Bronson was read noting that seasonal camping is allowed at Bass Lake Beach and Campground.
President Bedrock was contacted by Mr. M. Lucas, County Attorney, with a memo that was presented to and accepted by the Commissioners at last night’s meeting. The memo was read and the first item was agreeing to the determination by DNR Officer Bob Bronson. The memo also made points to the inspection report and he made connections to the LWCF and to the Callahan lease. The memo also noted questions that will need to be determined at some point.
The board agreed that the commissioners asked’ this board to first determine If seasonal camping should be allowed. Ms. Mix made a motion to allow seasonal camping and the motion was seconded by Ms. Rose. Discussion followed.
It was asked if we could restrict seasonal campers to a certain percentage. Currently there are 37 seasonal campers out of the 60 camp sites. The point of free trade was brought up and if there was a restriction on seasonal campers but still had open spaces, the campground would lose business if they could rent the open areas to seasonal campers. A call to the question was made by Ms. Mix and the vote was taken. The motion carried.
The next discussion was about campers being allowed to stay at the campground during the winter. It was Ms. Mix’s understanding that the commissioners had already determined that no campers were to be at the campground during the. winter. There was disagreement about that from both the board and the audience. Most believed that permission for the RV vehicles to stay at the campground during winter months was synonymous with seasonal camping. ·
Ms. Bedrock stated she would check with the commissioners on that point. Ms. Mix thought the discrepancy might be in the usage of the word “campers”. Is that word being used to mean campers, the people, or campers, the RV’s?
Some in the audience requested a copy of the memo from Mr. Lucas and it was given to two audience members.
The question of whether the 5th person on the board will continue on the board was asked and Ms. Bedrock noted that he’s unsure as he has health issues.
A motion to adjourn was made by D. Mix and seconded by R. Rose. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:16pm.
Respectfully submitted by D. Mix, secretary.